
Dare to be grateful ✨

grateful adjective
grate·​ful | \ ˈgrāt-fəl \
Definition of grateful
1a: appreciative of benefits received
b: expressing gratitude

Last year, I bought this Dare To Be Grateful deck from Viviamo. There were a huge number of things I am truly thankful for. Somehow, I wanted to be guided and more specific in assessing my blessings. Hence, the deck card.

About Dare to be Grateful deck

The Dare to Be Grateful deck is a beautifully designed series of cards meant to inspire you and help you reflect. Each card has a quote and a question which you can ponder on. It can be a random guide to say “thank you, universe” everyday or a journaling starter. 

The deck has 56 cards and is priced at P455. You can purchase it here.

5 things I am grateful for

This year, I am using the deck again. Let me share with you the first 5 questions I got and my responses to them.

  • What is your favorite memory? 

Thinking about it, I have no favorite. LOL To answer the card though, I will just write here the first thing that came to mind. This is one of the most hilarious moments I have ever had. 

My favorite memory is when I fall asleep during exams. I fell asleep during my college entrance exam at the University of the Philippines. I also fell asleep in some of my law school midterm exams. I likewise had some snooze in my neuro-psychiatric exam for work in 2021. I slept like a baby and then woke up stressed because I have to make haste in answering the questions. 

  • What is your favorite part of the morning? 

Coffee. (Technically, fave part of the day cause I drink coffee all day long but a cup gotta start somewhere)

  • What is the biggest gift in your life right now? 

More like who and the answer is mon mari, my husband, literally (cause he is healthy hehe) and figuratively. He is the most supportive person in the world.

  • What is your favorite song (and why)?

I do not have a favorite song but I do have a favorite melody – Claude Debussy’s Clair de Lune. I love it because it helps me feel relaxed and instantly takes away my worries, stress, and bad mood. 

  • What is the best gift you’ve ever received?  

Real, down-to-earth friendship. Have you ever had friends who stood with you no matter what? Friends who are cheering and rooting for you instead of judging you? I have those. They are rarer than red diamonds. 

What are the things you are grateful for? Answer these questions too! Comment below or post it on social media with the tag #mirriamdictionary 😊


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